Williamson County Grants $500,000 to City of Bartlett!

Commissioners Court - 05.24.2022

Exciting Announcement!

Today, the Williamson County Commissioners Court approved $500,000 for City of Bartlett water and wastewater projects!

A huge thank you to our Williamson County supporters: Judge Bill Gravell, our Precinct Commissioner Russ Boles, his Chief of Staff Mike Cooper, and all of the other Commissioners and County staff for making this possible!

Allocating a portion of Williamson County’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, the Commissioners unanimously voted to provide this grant funding to our city. With this additional capital, the city can continue to make long overdue repairs to critical water and wastewater infrastructure.

With this news, the city will have invested approximately $1.32 million into completed water, wastewater, and street projects over the past three years with 80% derived from grant funding;

An additional $1.09 million in planned water, wastewater, and drainage projects over the next two years with 96% derived from grant funding and;

The potential for $16.73 million in water and wastewater projects over the next few years as the city continues to apply for Texas Water Development Board Loan Forgiveness programs with 68% derived from grant funding.

For those keeping count – that’s potentially $19.14 million reinvested in our community over a five-year period with 71% of funding derived from grants! We still have a long way to go but the future is certainly bright for our city!

For more details related to the city's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), click HERE.